Prayer Shawl
Everyone is invited to join this group of ladies that get together each Thursday morning from 9:30-10:30 to knit + crochet Prayer Shawls. These Prayer Shawls are prayed over, blessed, then distributed to those who have lost a loved one, experienced a big life change, or invited a new baby into the world. They are a representation to the individual that they are not alone and that their CMC family is praying for them and loves them so.
“I was gifted a prayer shawl last year, it was the toughest year (before we even heard the word pandemic). I can testify to the sanity saving, morals grounding, hold me when all is lost power of this ministry. I had never felt such a need for a tangible connection to my Savior or my sanity, but last year … Thanks to Julie and some others, your whole congregation supported us through prayer. And with the God Lord’s aid, we did make it through.
Hallelujah! to this ministry and keep up the GOOD work!”